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Premium Coaching

Can I sign up for Premium Coaching?

Danette May's Premium Coaching Program opens for registration at select times each year.

Can I give a Premium Coaching Membership as a gift?

Absolutely! When registration for Premium Coaching is open, reach out to our customer support team at [email protected] and we'll be happy to set this up for you. Please provide the following information about the person who will receive the mem

Where and when do Premium Coaching calls take place?

Live Premium Coaching calls with Danette are hosted on zoom twice monthly. Typically these take place Tuesdays at 2 pm ET. Recordings are also emailed to all members, so you can watch at a time that is most convenient for you. Active PC members recei

Can Premium Coaching Calls be downloaded?

Premium Coaching calls cannot be downloaded. This is to protect the privacy of all members, as sensitive and personal topics may be discussed during coaching.